Декодер класса High-end - мощный, маленький и многофункциональный.
• Motor energising at a frequency of
18.75 kHz ensuring smooth running
• 14, 27, 28, 128 speed steps
• Short (1-127) and long (128-9999) addresses
• Minimum, maximum, and average speed can be set
• Main track programming possible (DCC)
• Shunting gear (half speed) via F3
• Starting and braking retardation via F4
• Directional lighting via F0
• Reacts to DCC standard braking signal or DC track sections
• All outputs are fused
• AC or DC operation with automatic commutation
• All CVs must be programmed with DCC or Motorola digital equipment
• DCC operation can be programmed by register, CV direct, or page programming
• Table of speed steps for 14 and 28 speed step modes
• Two outlets for special functions via F1 and F2, dimmable
• Sound interface SUSI (4-pole mini-jack) for sound modules (such as the PIKO sound module # 56190) or other modules for the control of additional functions (F1 to F12)
• Generates the address identification to energise the Uhlenbrock Lissy mini transmission module # 68400
• Защита от перегрева
Техническая информация:
Диапазон адресов: 1-9,999 (длинные адреса формата DCC)
Максималный ток на двигатель: 1.0 A (движение) / 2A (запуск)
Функциональные выходы: max. 1.0 A
Общая нагрузка: max. 1.0 A
Размеры: 12.5x22x5 мм.